Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Some week three drawings.


These are some plans for my boat shed. I had the idea of an illusion themed one but as I was thinking about what would be portrayed in my mihimihi from it I realised that it didn't seem like the best way to represent myself. I ended up changing to something that was probably a bigger part of my life which was origami.

My original idea for my boat shed was an origami boat shed where everything was basically giant origami pieces from my mihimihi.

A I progressed I was suggested the idea of an atmospheric room instead of a physical mihimihi room. I decided to draw out a few plans for this type of idea.

My intention was to try and create a room where as you walk deeper in then there are more folds in the walls and is like bringing someone else into my mind when I was younger and completely engrossed in my origami. Sort of like what I would have pictured my mind to look like when I was busy making something. 

I looked at what I had created and it seemed a little bare of my mihimihi so I thought of combining the idea of an atmospheric room with my original idea of an origami boat shed.

My final design was similar to my first more atmospheric design but I based some of my folds on one of the first pieces that most children learn in origami which is the origami crane. I feel like this is a better way to portray my mihimihi rather than completely trying to fit my whole history into the whole room as I feel like it will be too much for some people to take in. This is a much more simple design where people will still be able to learn who I am while not being overwhelmed.

Experimenting with the idea of overflow.

My impression of what my room will look like from the far back.

Week 4 and 5 drawings

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