Wednesday 26 March 2014


After having a go on sketch up, I also had another look at some more of my influences and decided on a different theme of origami. Origami has been a hobby of mine since I was young and it seemed like a better way to present my mihimihi as it would provide not only a visual context but also a physical one that more people would be able to enjoy. So here are some photos of my origami that hopefully will be able to be incorporated into my boatshed.

Star wars AT-AT

 Buddha mask. Would be good to incorporate into my design as my
family is also Buddhist. 

Two different types of butterfly. Would be cool for outside maybe.

Origami camera. Could be nice to include as an interactive piece.

Origami cranes. One of the pieces of origami that everybody seems to
learn first and is also one of the pieces I first learnt. 

Origami cube. One of my favourites and has may characteristics of design
that I love including simple clean lines and bold colours.

One of the pieces of origami I'm most proud of. Definitely would like to
try and incorporate this piece into my design but it might be a bit hard.

Envelope. Could represent the collectors phase of every kids life. Mine not only included
playing cards but also stamps along with lego bionicles and precious stones.

Flapping birds. Good to hang around the shed possibly as it also shows
a bit of where I am from, Wellington. 

Flowers that could also possibly be put outside?

Koi fish.


Ninja stars. Another piece that every kid seems to learn first.

Simplified Optimus Prime mask.

Half of my collection of origami.

A Pegasus made by a close friend of mine. 

People! good for size comparison if doing a massive origami shed.

Piano. Like most Asian kids, I also learnt the piano. But unlike quite
a few out there I actually enjoyed it and have been learning for around
13 years now. A great piece to try and include in my design.

Raven. Birds are a good way to show where I'm from as Wellington
has lots of wildlife that isn't normally found elsewhere.

Rose cube (cube form).

Rose cube (rose form).


Seagull. Perfect for Wellington and the boatsheds.

Another geometric shape that is in some ways similar to my cube.

Star Wars X-wing fighter jets.

A design idea for origami perhaps?

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